Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy 2012

Finding the GLUE …

Have you ever watched competitive gymnasts? The body awareness of young athletes as they fly over the bars, balance on the beam or propel themselves over the pummel horse is truly amazing. I love watching it all, right to the final movement of both feet solidly landing and sticking to the mat as their body rises up like a big bold exclamation point! It’s the moment that makes all their hard work, all the time it took worthwhile.
With the old year ending and the new one beginning have you thought of what you might do that will have you feeling stronger, healthier, more energized in 2012? Or are you thinking, why try I never stick to the plan anyway? What if this time you could find the glue to STICK to those new healthy behaviors? Maybe there is a lesson to be learned from those young gymnasts who stick those feet to the mat. Maybe this is the year you will find your way to stick to your resolutions.
STEP 1- A little self-reflection…
Take a sheet of paper and fold it into two columns. In the left column, list the four or five things that you value most in life. In the right column, list things you may be doing (or not doing) that do not align with those values. For example, one of your values may be maintaining your health. In the second column you might find yourself listing things like eating too many sweets or never exercising. Reflect on what you have written… What’s been the outcome of not matching your actions to your values? How might you have kept your actions more in line with your values? What would be different today? How would you be feeling?
STEP 2 –Finding the glue…
Choose a behavior you want to begin changing. Mull over how it is connected to what matters most to you. Talk it over with someone you trust. Ask yourself, “Am I choosing to work on this change because it really matters to me?” Or am I thinking, ”I should do this, or everyone is telling me I need to do this”? Any type of motivation will get you started but motivation that comes from should’s and have to’s will dry up quickly. You’ll find yourself at the starting gate again. Choose to make changes that are in line with your deepest held values, things YOU want to do. Connect the dots between your actions and what’s really important to you and you will have provided yourself the super glue to really succeed this year.
Keep your attention on what really matters as you do the hard work of changing behaviors. Change IS hard work but if making a change really matters to you, you’ll find yourself determined and resilient when challenges arise, you’ll look for and find the support you need and YOU WILL SUCCEED. .

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