Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Summer is here and “the living is easy” or is it? Wherever you find yourself right now, take a moment to check in with how you are feeling. How would you rate your energy level? Are you feeling at the top of your game...? a little run down...? or maybe stuck in the mud...?
The amount of time in each of our days remains constant but the energy we have to live those 24 hours can vary greatly. To be at our best we need to learn to balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts of our life.

Spend a few minutes looking at all four areas of your life. What are you doing in each area to assure that you are the best that you can be? Where are you doing too much? Where are you doing too little? Do too much without time to recharge and you burn out. Do too little, you feel like doing even less. Devoting all of our energy to one or two areas of our life at the expense of the other areas will leave you unbalanced and over time drain your energy.

Many of us use up the bulk of our energy working long hours at our jobs or taking care of home and families. We often feel there is just no time for physical activity, eating right or nurturing our spiritual side (our deepest held values). Just like having a problem with one part of your car, like a fan belt or a water pump, effects how well the car runs, so to does not challenging or recharging all parts of what makes us human beings.

Discover what you might do to have more energy. What part of being human have you been overusing or neglecting? What drains your energy? What boosts your energy? Take a few minutes to make a list of those things that you know from experience boost your energy. Choose one of those to focus on this coming week. What will it be? When will you do it? What might get in your way and how might you set up a strategy to get around that obstacle? Be realistic. Be specific. Now COMMIT to doing it. This will be your first step towards maximizing your energy everyday. This will be the first step towards being the best that you can be.

If you or someone you know is struggling to get started or stay on track on your journey to your best self, wellness coaching might be just the support and accountability you need. Wellness coaching can help to bridge the gap between knowing what to do and doing it on a regular basis.

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